How To Unwind As A Female Entrepreneur

How To Unwind As A Female Entrepreneur

More and more women are turning to entrepreneurship as a career option. While it’s one of the most rewarding and potentially lucrative career choices, running your own business is hard. The vast majority of businesses are small and founders are pulled from pillar to post, working across various areas of the company and often for long hours.

If you are running your own business, it can feel like you never get a minute to yourself, especially if you have to balance childcare duties with the entrepreneur life. Despite this, it’s imperative that you are finding time to care for your mental health. If you’re starting to feel stressed or burnt out as a result of running your own business, here are a few ways you can care for your mental health alongside working long hours.

Have Interests Outside Of Work

For many entrepreneurs, their business becomes their life. They eat, sleep and breathe business and it’s usually at the forefront of their mind from the moment they wake up to the moment they fall asleep at night. While it’s hard to not let your business take over your life, you need to realise that it’s dangerous for work to be your only interest.

Ensure you have interests outside of work. Whether that’s hobbies, traveling or simply spending time with friends – these can all help to take your mind off work and subsequently leave you feeling refreshed and energised when the working week comes back around.

Eat Healthy And Workout

There’s a close link between mental health and physical health, and caring for one often improves the other. If you are trying to improve your mental well-being, the easiest way to do so may be taking time out from your busy working life to regularly get in a workout. The main point of exercise is to stay in shape but it has also been found to improve your mood and reduce stress levels. 

Complement this with a healthy, balanced diet. It can be easy to treat yourself to a junk food binge after a stressful week but studies have shown that this could actually add to your stress while a balanced diet will have the opposite effect.

Dedicate A Space In Your Home To Relaxation

Many entrepreneurs struggle to switch off, and this has become an ever-increasing concern since the shift to remote working caused by the pandemic. If your home is your office, it can easily feel like you are constantly at work and business owners may find that their laptop is never off.

To avoid this, dedicate a space in your home to relaxation, whether that’s having a meditation space or creating a cosy reading corner in your home. You should see this as an investment into your mental health too, so don’t be afraid to spend money on home improvements. For example, tiled roof conservatories offer a comfortable, isolated space at the back of your home which can be used for spending some well-needed alone time after a taxing day of work.

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